TADS: Assistance with tuition (K-12) for current families. Assistance is intended to aid with tuition expenses; however, they do not cover full tuition or any applicable fees. Funds for this assistance are limited; therefore, all applications must be submitted to TADS no later than May 1, of each year. Families must re-apply for assistance each year. Click here for more information on TADS.
Arete: (New students only and those currently receiving this scholarship) An Arete scholarship assistance is worth a maximum of $4350 per year for grades K-8th and $4900 per year for grades 9th-12th. Assistance with tuition is in the form of partial grants and may be available for new to St. Mary’s families. Assistance is intended to aid with tuition expenses; however, they do not cover full tuition or any applicable fees. Limited applications open February 25. Click here for more information on Arete.
ACE: (New students only and those currently receiving this scholarship) An ACE scholarship assistance is worth a maximum of $4200 per year for grades K-8th and $4500 per year for grades 9th-12th. Families are responsible for working out payment plan with the school for the remaining tuition. Application opens Feb 7 - April 15th. Click here for more information on ACE.
LA GATOR: This new school choice program enacted by the Louisiana legislature in June 2024 will for the first time ever provide education scholarship accounts (ESA) to Louisiana families. Application opens March 1st and closes April 15th. Click Here for more information on LA GATOR.
St. Mary's is pleased to offer a variety of tuition payment options.
OPTION 3: Partial payment/Loan Combination
For returning students Partial tuition payment (check/money-order/online) must be received by the school on or before May 16th. Once received by the school, all information will be forwarded to bank.
For new students Special arrangements are made for new students registering after July 31st.
OPTION 1: Payment in full by check/money-order/Online
For returning students paying total tuition without a loan Tuition total is due by June 1st of each year. Payment made after this date will include a $250 penalty fee.
For new to St. Mary’s School students paying total tuition without a loan Tuition total is due by August 1st. If a new student enrolls after August 1st, payment in full must be received at registration.
Tuition loans for St. Mary’s families are serviced by the Bank of Montgomery of Natchitoches. Each 10 or 12 month term loan is financed at 4.5%.
Loan Program Disclosure: When signing the loan agreement with BOM, each family is ensuring that if the student’s enrollment ceases, for any reason during the school year, the family will continue to make all loan payments until the debt is paid in full. Any past due accounts of any option selected may result in a student’s grades or transcripts being withheld or may prevent participation in any sport or auxiliary activity.
First half due June 1st of the current school year.
Second half due January 30th of that same school year.
$50 fee per student due with first half payment
If a student attends at least one day of school of any academic year, school policy states that no refund is provided.
For more information concerning tuition assistance please contact the Registrar Debbie Norman at